A few words about

What We Do

Our holistic approach to improving our communities.

Support the community by attending events within the community to educate on the value of travel. We assist with breaking the barriers for passport acquisition.

We offer comprehensive training programs that equip teens with the necessary skills to thrive both personally and professionally. Our programs includes conflict resolution to foster positive relationships, hard skills to prepare them for future careers, and soft skills to build their confidence and communication abilities.

Course Content

  • Agriculture Experience
  • Art Exposure
  • Community Service
  • Conflict Resolution
  • Culinary Exposure
  • Financial Literacy/Budgeting
  • Goal Setting & Self-Development
  • Guest Speakers
  • Language Introduction
  • Photography Lab
  • STEM Exploration

Note: Course offerings are subject to change.

We provide students with a service learning international trip that allows them to apply their newfound skills in real-world situations and make a positive impact in communities abroad. These trips are referred to as AGYE Expeditions.

Expedition (n) - a journey or voyage undertaken by a group of people with a particular purpose, especially that of exploration or scientific research.

Trip Components

  • Art Appreciation
  • Community Service
  • Culinary Activity
  • Cultural Exchange
  • Language Immersion
  • Local Agriculture Experience
  • Photography Practice
  • Real-Life Currency Experience
  • Reflection
  • STEM Exploration

Note: Each itinerary will vary based on country.

Want to make a difference?

Help us raise money for course materials and expedition costs.